It is commonly assumed that seeking financial advice is for the wealthy, and it only helps the rich become richer, yet financial advice can prove useful to anyone who wishes to better their financial future. Financial advice is like getting a health check-up for your...
If 50 really is the new 40, then life has just begun. The kids are gaining independence or may have left home, and the mortgage could be a thing of the past. Bliss. But galloping towards you is… retirement!. How are you tracking? According to the Association of...
Typically your forties is a time of established careers, teenage kids and a mortgage that is no longer daunting. There are still plenty of demands on the budget, but by this age there’s a good chance there’s some spare cash that can be put to good use. As you pass the...
Many Australians caught in the nine-to-five grind of working for a living dream of the possibility of taking early retirement, spending their days travelling or playing golf or doing nothing much at all. There’s even a name for it these days. The Financial...
Most working Australians aspire to the idea that they’ll reach a point where they can retire debt-free and with enough money in their superannuation fund – perhaps supplemented by the age pension – to provide them with a comfortable standard of living in retirement....
Wow, this sounds bittersweet, but let’s make it a bit sweeter. We all know about super; however, many of us don’t understand the benefits of well-structured advice within super can provide not only for retirement but here and now. Super is a tax structure,...